




I’m curious as to what degree a talented polity insider—to use a political science term—could determine policy and affect the allocation of resources in a context where 民主几乎辜负了一半的公民. Dr. 希拉·谢里夫,我正在写的她, sought to improve health care for African Americans in mid-20thC South Carolina. 但 white voters 和 politicians they elected rejected state programs they believed would serve African Americans and also opposed integrated medical facilities. 所以警长 used contacts in Washington to ensure that federal m一个y had “strings” attached, which resulted in South Carolina building integrated medical facilities and funding programs that served Blacks even before the successes of the Civil Rights movement. 我检查 the degree to which her work was institutionalized beyond her tenure with the state’s 卫生委员会.

What personal factors contributed to your study of social history and women’s history?

My family combines southern gentry, sharecroppers, union tradesmen, school teachers, 和乔克托印第安人. 的irs was a messier world than that presented in American history 教科书. I was interested in learning more about the folks typically omitted or 只是象征性地呈现.


Balancing a research agenda with our heavy teaching loads and my commitment to service 一直很困难. We’re expected to do too much and compensated poorly—not only in terms of our salaries but also with a lack of private office space, adequate clerical assistance, and m一个y to travel to collections/repositories. 上进心强,有才能的人 can excel as teachers, scholars, and University citizens for a time, but it takes 沉重的代价. I’ve seen too many colleagues get sick and too many families disrupted.

How has your position in 菠菜网lol正规平台 contributed to your research?

的 Department of History and 社会科学学院 have supported conference 在有限的资源下,慷慨地旅行. 和活泼、刺激的谈话 departmental colleagues have ensured that I continue to feel like a historian even though much of my time during the past 15 years has been spent as a CFA officer or 作为系主任.



一本改变你生活(或研究)的书 & 原因:

E. P. 汤普森的 《英国工人阶级的形成 (1963) has inspired more history “from the bottom up”—social history and more recently 文化史,比其他任何一部作品都重要. 很少有历史学家如此受人尊敬. When I spent a semester abroad at Queen’s College, Oxford University, Thompson held court down the street at Oxford’s Magdalene College. 在那些日子里,他以 his environmentalism, peace, and anti-nuclear activism in addition to his scholarship, and students literally climbed the walls to catch a glimpse of him—a true rock star whose likeness to Peter O’Toole only added to his aura. 我是在弹吉他的时候认识他的 and singing country music, which the English love (who knows why, but it made enough m一个y to travel throughout England and Scotland that summer 和 next), with a group of underfunded Danish grad students who convinced me to play and sing with them at the Oxford train station and in London subway tunnels. 丹麦男孩看起来很强壮 enough—this was 1978, near the height of new wave/post-punk leather, studs, etc.- 我不害怕随时和他们在一起. 汤普森教授经常从我们身边走过 and requested the same old-school country songs my mother and grandmother loved. He was always incredibly pleased that I knew them and fascinated by my Texas accent. 汤普森的 description of his project still takes my breath away after all these years:

I am seeking to rescue the poor stockinger, the Luddite cropper, the “obsolete” hand-loom weaver, the “utopian” artisan, and even the deluded follower of Joanna Southcott, 从后代的巨大屈尊俯就. 他们的手艺和传统可能有 是死亡. 的ir hostility to the new industrialism may have been backward-looking. 他们的共产主义理想可能只是幻想. 他们的叛乱阴谋 可能是鲁莽的. 但 they lived through these times of acute social disturbance, 但我们没有. 的ir aspirations were valid in terms of their own experience; and, if they were casualties of history, they remain, condemned in their own lives, as 人员伤亡(页. 12-13).

Fifty+ years ago, workers, women, and other comm一个rs were described by their “betters” whenever they appeared as bit players in histories that focused on political, economic, 社会精英. 的y were never themselves protagonists—the agents—in historical 作品. 人们很少听到他们的声音. 汤普森和他所激励的人改变了这一切.




Be sure to apply for available conference and research funding. 一旦你完成了 an application or two, you can reuse materials so that the process is not 一个rous. You must develop your research agenda to earn tenure, so have frank discussions with department chairs and mentors in your discipline about how to schedule classes and provide required committee service in ways that allow you to publish your work in 同行评议的场所.


“Making a Case for Academic Values: A History Professor Brings Lessons from the Seminar 到陪审团休息室去。” 研究院 (the national magazine of the American Association of University Professors), Jan./ 2月. 2014, pp. 44–46.
“Dr. Hilla Sheriff: Caught between 科学 和 State at the South Carolina Midwife 培训机构 南卡罗来纳州妇女:她们的生活和时代,卷. 3(雅典:佐治亚大学出版社,2012年),pp. 78–94."